My poem: called My Poem !

I’m climbing the mountain, I’m seeing the Lord. 
How fortunate I am , oh thank you oh Lord. 
When the past was so hard to see through, you made my present so clear. 
I fell in love with you oh Lord and I am  more in awe of you. 
There are those who don’t know you and in this age they reside. And there are those who search for you and you help us to near you. 
My Lord you are amazing, how wonderful are you !
Those that have yet to know you what loss they are in. 

For them life is just this world and beyond death they see naught. How the doors are closed for them when the keys they hold. Unaware of the reality they live within a dream; picturing themselves forever attached to their knees. They forgot they were souls and so think their bodies are them; so they lost their insight in the truth that is them. They live in a dream world (matrix) that has been made up for them, and by forgetting you they see no alternative light. How can they see the truth pray tell oh Lord. Is it through asking real questions such as why we are here ?


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